Frankenstein is a movie telling about the creation of a human by human using science. Victor Frankenstein did a research to create a man from dead body. The time background is about 200 years ago. Because Victor Frankenstein affraid of the human he created, he destroyed and threw it into the river. Unfortunatelly, this creation was still alive. It was so strong because when making it to life, Frankenstein used extra high electricity. Frankenstein used electric eels as the power. I think this creation can't be destroyed.
Because this creation was so dissapointed to Frankenstein, it came to Frankenstein's house and killed his wife. Frankenstein was so angry then wanted to kill his creation. He chased it to the north, to the freezy place. This creation was immune to cold, but Frankenstein was not. He died in the freezy place. Then his creation burried him in his family cemetery. It thought its life was end after killing frankenstein, but actually not. It doesn't know what its life mean. Then this creation found journal book in Frankenstein's pocket. It tells about the detail how Frankenstein created it until he made it life. Step by step in scientific way.
This creation don't know what it life mean. He was created by human. He is not human, just creation. Then he was wanted by the king of demons. Demon want it because they want to make the same creation alike. They want to learn how to make it, so that they can make dead bodies alive, and filled by demons who were dead placed in the hell. Then they will have enough army to fight against human and angels to conquer the world. Demons tried to chase this creation everytime. In this situation, this creation was helped by angels. They protect him in the casteel of the angels. The queen of the angels gave it name "Adam".
Adam fight againts many demons then win. He run to the edge of the world. Still questioning what his life mean, alone. The journal of frankenstein was taken by the queen of the angel to avoid the same creation repeated. He can not get any information about himself. 200 years later he was found by the demons, then fight again, and win. He came back to the casteel. He came back to the civilization, then found out that human's environment has totally changed. So modern. Even, the king of demons pretends as if he was human then cooperated with human scientist to develop his research plan to create human from dead body.
In the big fight between angels, demons and adam, finally the journal contains the steps to create adam can be taken by demons. The king of demons asked beautiful human scientist he cooperate with to learn it. However, finally adam can stole it and succed to make the beautiful scientist in his side. He showed her that actually who cooperate with her is not human, but demon.
Adam read and read the journal of frankenstein (actually I was questioning how can he read despite of the fact that he never go to school, ha2), but he still did not understand the meaning of his life. To make it short, finally adam and angels fight against demon then win, then adam knows the meaning of his life, to fight against demons and protect human and angels. Keep the total war between them not to happen. And of course in love with beautiful scientist make his life become more meaningful.
Yeah, the meaning of life. Two weeks ago, my big family gathered at my grandma's joglo house because my grandma was sick. We were there until late at night. I have been closed with one of my aunts since I was child. Until now, I think she is the most relevant person I can talk to among the entire human being in my family. Ha2.
Because at that time the TV was turned on playing sinetron, finally we talked about sinetron star, Asmirandah, who just changed her religion after got married with Jonas Rivano. Then my aunt questioning why. She can not understand the way the beautiful star thinks. In this case, I think I know the situation so well. Yeah, that is woman. I refered to several friends and maybe refered to me, my self. Woman is so complicated when in love. They will be so suffer, stupid and lost their rationality. I concluded it from several friend's sharing with bleeding heart to me. And one my friend's friend (he2), she just completed her graduate degree in germany and offfered a good job there, but she prefer to go home to Indonesia for her beloved man. Yeah, it will be so difficult for woman in many things when it is related to love. Even my friend become so sad because of unpropper boy (in my oppinion). Then my smart friends become suffer too. Yeah, don't know. My aunt told me several cases related to the husband who force his wife to follow his religion in the bad ways. But I think in the case of Asmirandah, there's no force. I think it is just because Asmirandah loves Jonas. How can, what can we do when we're in love. We don't want to miss the boy we love. It will be so sick, so suffer. I told it to my aunt. Then my aunt, yeah, again and again she is relevant with almost all of her argument, told me, "Kamu tau gak sih tujuan kita hidup di dunia ini? Tujuan kita cuma satu, satu aja, satu." Iye2 satu opoo?? Then she continued, "tujuan hidup di dunia cuma satu, yaitu mencari ridho Allah. Lha kalau kamu gini gitu, kira2 Allah ridho apa enggak? Kalau kamu males2an, Allah ridho apa enggak? Kalau kamu cinta sama ini, misal harus pindah agama, Allah ridho apa enggak? Semua yg kita lakukan sebenarnya kan cuma satu, mencari ridho Allah." Trakkdess.. so far actually I also just have one goal in my life, one goal, one, just one, but it was not 'mencari ridho Allah'. Okey, starting from that time, the goal of my life become two: mencari ridho Allah and the previous goal I have before.
After that night at the joglo house, I think life become less complicated, yeah, whatever we do just refer to the goal 'mencari ridho Allah' then everything will be fine.
If Adam, Frankenstein's creation, met me, I think the story of the movie will not be so complicated. He will not confused about the meaning of his life, I will just tell him that the mean of this life is 'mencari ridho Allah'. :)
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